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Explore & Thrive with AI Effect of AI: Which industries

Which industries will be affected by AI?

What is Artificial Intelligence and how does it impact industries ?

AI is digital intelligence technology. This was in development for many decades, but in 2023, AI has demonstrated that businesses can now finally rely upon it.

AI is extremely disruptive to business, since it offers an alternative to the largest cost of businesses: humans - for intelligent work. But replacing humans with AI - which is extremely fast, almost free and infinitely scalable - is a huge opportunity for businesses to cut costs, while becoming better and faster at the same time.

Which industries would be affected by AI?

All of them. It's not that all industries will become completely human-free, but every business has some elements which are non-core and are typically done be less-trained employees.

All industries have such tasks like customer service, appointments scheduling, document management, report generation, order management, warehouse support and so on, where Complex Decision making is not involved - these can be very easily automated with AI

See the reasons why ALL businesses would be forced to adapt to AI here

Which industries would be the MOST affected by AI bots?

Consider the level of repetitive logical white-collar functions in it.

Example: E-commerce industry: the entire business process is automated as much as possible: digital marketing, digital shop, digital orders passed digitally to warehouse or third party shippers, with digital customer service. The more an industry is digitized, the more it can be automated by AI!

See Detailed Guide to AI's impact on Industry here

How can AI affect traditional industries?

Consider the level of repetitive logical white-collar functions in it.

Example: Plumbing industry. In the future, plumbers have an AI-based SAAS mobile app for efficiency: to automate all the non-core tasks like appointments, re-scheduling, invoicing etc. Customers chat with the AI Bot on the website, as if it's a real person! AI also communicates with the plumber like a virtual assistant.

Meet Bob, a plumber with an AI Employee here

Then how to survive in business using AI?

Survive? We are here to help you thrive using the immense opportunity life has thrown at us.

  1. Get over your grief. Until you do that, you will not be able to move forward.
  2. Buckle up for a tough ride. Explore this blog to learn and explore for business opportunities.
  3. Utilize AI to thrive in business. Start using BizBot to edge over competition.

Learn the principles of business success in the AI-era here

An AI Business Bot is essentially a free employee.

Can you think which industry would NOT want a free employee??

Gaurav Verma Author

Gaurav Verma

Published 12/07/2023

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